Friday, July 19, 2013

Terragnosis: Ruination Competition

Terragnosis: Its competition time for Ruination, And its easy. Go to our online store and tell us 

  • The name of the chaotic creature with his torso all covered in spikes.
  • The name of the hero in the battle pack with the sorceress
  • The name of the carved statue pillar with the flowers around her head.


  • 1st place 1 free battle pack of your choice and a 10% off voucher
  • 2nd place 1 free normal sized 54mm figure of your choice and a 10% off voucher
  • 3rd place 1 free ruined temple terrain set and a 10% off voucher

Spread the word.. get involved.. get playing. Send all three answers in one email to and we will make a draw from entrants on 30th July 2013.

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