Saturday, June 22, 2013

Darwin Games: Dawn: Rise of the Occulites Kickstarter

Darwin Games: The game sees you in control of a Tribe of Occulites, fighting for survival throughout a series of scenarios that can be played as one offs or as a full blown campaign. Play simple pickup games with the introductory rules, or watch your Tribe advance and evolve over the course of a Sungem Season, whilst gaining Learned Abilities through your actions on the board. Dawn – Rise of the Occulites uses a mechanic called the “Natural Selection Deck” that determines how you move, fight and resolve situations within the game. The way you manage this deck will reflect how well your Tribe does in any given scenario.

You must love the Luftles

Dawn: Rise of the Occulites is the first game in the Rise of the Occulites Saga. The Saga covers the evolution of the Occulites from small Tribes fighting for survival, to massive armies, diplomacy and the beginning of industry. Dawn takes place at the very beginning of the Occulite’s evolutionary timescale. At this time the Occulites roam the lands in small Tribes, moving from cave to cave, collecting the precious Sungems to keep them warm during the Long Dark. They fight over territory and resources in an effort just to survive. I wish you as much pleasure playing this game as we had creating it. Welcome to Dawn

Dawn: Rise of the Occulites is a small scale, miniatures boardgame. Each player chooses an Occulite Tribe and competes against each other, recreating pivotal moments in its short history or even leading the Tribe through its evolution, watching it grow and advance over a series of games. Based on the information gained by the Honorary Professors Charles-Darwin over thirty odd years, this game recreates the struggles that the Occulite Tribes faced in their early days, when they were small and scattered across the land.

Overview of the game and miniatures

Interested in joining the Kickstarter or looking for some more information take a  look at the Kickstarter campaign.

And welcome to Gareth the Grot from the excellent Drums in the Deep Blog!


Boromir_and_kermit said...

Thanks for sharing the campaign! :)

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

No problem, always eager to spread the news about great games and miniatures. Thanks for stopping by!
