Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mantic Games announces Fantasy Chess Board

Mantic Games announced to be working with Alessio Cavatore on River Horse’s new game - Loka: The World of Fantasy Chess: Loka is a new fantasy chess-wargame with elemental chess armies, fantastical terrain and a simple combat system to resolve the fights between the pieces based on mutual support and rolling polyhedral dice. 

River Horse has designed the game, from the rules to the fantasy chess sets based on the four elements: Air/Wind, Earth/Wood, Fire/Lava and Water/Ice, sculpted by Wojchiek Flis. These figures are designed for plastic production and are clearly identifiable as the Chess Pieces they represent


Scottswargaming said...

I could be interested in this. The idea reminds a little of an old computer game for the C64 called Archon, which I enjoyed...

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Never heard of the computer game before but I'm looking forward in seeing all the chess pieces.
