Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Warlord Games: Special WW2 American Units

In timely fashion with the release of the Armies of the United States book we have released on pre-order two new US box sets the Nisei and the Buffalo Soldiers.

Taking the fight to the Axis forces in Italy, the US troops of the 92nd (Coloured) Infantry Division had to overcome not only the enemy but also the prejudice their skin colour brought. Nicknamed Buffalo Soldiers in memory of their ancestors fighting in the American Civil War, they proved themselves and lived by their motto: Deeds not Words!

Forming the most highly decorated unit in US military history, the Japanese American soldiers of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team lived, and died, by their motto Go for Broke!. Despite enduring discrimination and mistrust due to their lineage, the Nisei soon won over the most ardent naysayer with their heroics…


FriendlyFire said...

Great to see American soldiers of different ethnicity's being produced in plastic! (although, I guess I could just paint the normal ones a little differently). Any shots of the sprues?


Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Hi FF, no sprue pictures for the moment but you can see some assembled miniatures here: http://www.warlordgames.com/store/buffalo-soldiers-black-us-troops.html