Friday, November 23, 2012

Musketeer Miniatures: BUF Cavalry!

 Hi, I just found this long awaited release from Musketeer Miniatures, the place for all the "A Very British Civil War" fanatics and supporters. As you can see the new release brings us some dreaded BUF cavalry including a rather characterful command element. These men will be feared all around tabletop England for their speed and firing power and will crush many socialist flying columns on their bloody path. This release now makes the BUF faction almost complete as the dismounted cavalry will be soon released by Musketeer Miniatures. 

For those unfamiliar with the company Musketeer Miniatures makes 28mm white metal miniatures covering a whole series of different eras including their most excellent VBCW range. If I'm not mistaken all of these miniatures in the VBCW range are sculpted by the talented Paul Hicks while other ranges are sculpted by the company owner and freelance sculptors. No not yet another period, save the wallet! Here's a sunmary about the interwar range which includes these fictionnal miniatures: This range will cover the turbulent period between the World Wars. This was a time of rebellions, revolutions and civil wars that affected most of Europe. Currently we have figures for the Irish Wars of Independence some of which can be useful for other periods. British Infantry for this era can be found in our WW1. We also include figures for a fictional period, the British Civil War of 1938 which sees various factions and militias struggling against Mosley's BUF Blackshirts.

These miniatures are now available for £9.00 a pack which includes three mounts and riders.

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