Saturday, November 10, 2012

Movie News: Odysee of Heroes

Hi, I just stumbled upon this superb movie called "the men of the Emden" or "Odysee of Heroes" which tells an amazing tale containing: Jungles, battleships, world war one, Lawrence of Arabia, German Colonial Marines, Tsingtau and much more!

"Odyssey of Heroes“ is telling the story of a journey, halfway around the globe and the existential experiences of fifty-two men on a desperate dash home. An unbelievable story, based on historic facts, that made all that where involved heros – dead or alive. Cocos-Island, a godforsaken pile of sand in the middle of the Indian ocean. The men of the battleship Emden can smell the smoke and hear the impacts of the shells while two miles off the coast their light-cruiser goes up in flames. Marooned on the island 52 sailors can only watch as their beloved home for the last month is shelled to bits by a superior enemy. Their only connection to Germany is left burning on a riff.It’s world war one, 1914 and the Australian destroyer Sydney has finally cornered the Emden. There are many reasons to sink the German cruiser. For month it has very successfully hunted for allied merchant vessels in the Indian Ocean and China Sea and effectively disrupted British supply-routes. This has finally come to an end." More of this interesting story can be found here.

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