Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Reaper Kickstarter Bones Miniatures Range!

Hi, I've just seen that Reaper Miniatures has started a Kickstarter project to fund further Bones Miniatures Releases! You those who aren't familiar with the Bones Miniatures, these are original Reaper sculpts that are available in metal but are now also produced in plastic at only a fraction of the cost of the metal miniature. But producing the molds these plastic miniatures are expensive and therefor they need some help to cover the high initial cost and so we have another cool Kickstarter project! I have been tempted by some of the perks especially the one were you receive 36 dungeon critters at only $20 including shipping! But was put of as kickstarter doesn't allow the usage of Paypal and that's a pitty. But enough here are the 30 miniatures they intend to release!

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