Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hidden Gems: Four A Miniatures

Hi, as part of my featured company line of posts, I've decided to present to you Four A Miniatures! This home based manufacturer which is also a member of the Lead Adventure Forum sells a stunning range of miniatures ranging from goblins to future civilians and pilots! I've first discovered this marvellous range on The Lead Adventure Forum, the forum for the die hard lead fanatics! The excellent range is sculpted by a dozen different sculptors such as Kev Adams, Paul Muller, Jim Bowen and many others. Each of the miniatures in the range is packed with character and is avaible at more than reasonable prices.

As the range is so differs I've decided to post some of my personal favorites!

The first miniatures that immediatly caught my attention were these lovely goblins sculpted by the talented Kev Adams! These wonderful miniatures are filled with character as they resemble the old school goblins from several decades ago. My personal favorite of the bunch is the leader standing tall armed with his trusty spear and awesome shield, he probably rules the goblin horde with an iron fist! These miniatures can be bought as a group at only £10!

Another of my favorites is called the Demon and is sculpted by Matt Gubser. I just love the sheer monstrosity of this otherworld creature. This great miniature could be used in tons of different settings ranging from Call of Cthulhu or most science fiction genres. This great two part miniature can be purchased at a measly £4.50!

More of these great miniatures can be found in the online store which you can find by following the mentionned link:

I hope you liked this hidden gem as much as I did!

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