Friday, September 30, 2011

New purchases!

Hi, I've recently started school again what result in a major decrease of posts! However much has happened on the wargame front as I'm steadily painting up some more figures of my "The Three Musketeers" project. I'm hoping to finish the street rubble bunch of 9 figures this weekend! I've also bought a lot of Foundry, Copplestone, Bob Olley miniatures which contained the follow miniatures.

  • 9 Copplestone or HLBC inuits with both bow and harpoons (I've always wanted some of these miniatures) some were already painted but I will touch them a bit up when I finish the unpainted ones.
  • 3 Bob Olley gangsta's though they were bigger but I will use them as youngsters.
  • 5 Foundry cowboys, the first recruits for a LOTW posse.
  • 1 Foundry gentleman to be used in my VBCW militia (now counting 4 members)

Pictures will follow soon as I already undercoated most of the miniatures!


1 comment:

The Angry Lurker said...

Good to hear about purchases, don't feel so bad now.