Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Japanese Imperial Army officers and pow's

Hi, here are another bunch of pictures of some new additions for my Imperial Japanese Army. This time, the officer corps which will boost the soldiers moral and lead them into battle and the eventual Banzai charges! The first officer is mounted on a horse and represent him leading a fierce charge or leading his troops into the heat of the battle. All miniatures shown in these post are made by "Esci" except for the horse which is made by "Atlantic".

I also managed to finish an officer on foot and two bases of surrendering Japanese soldiers quit a rare sight as they often prefered an attempt to blow themselves up (maybe that can be incorporated in a game when US soldiers must capture Japanese soldiers for intelligence and you must role a D6, 3+ equals success and the Japanese are captured and on 1, 2 or 3 the Japanese had a hidden grenade killed all figures within a 7 cm radius).

I hope I will be able to finish the two infantry battalion before another project turns up!


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