Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Revisiting a project!

Hi, As some may know I've recently finished the main companies of my first napoleonic battalion. I decided to make 24 men battalions each with a skirmish screen of 4 voltiguers. I already finished 13 soldiers for my next battalion and has enough men to make a third and fourth! Enough for a Brigade!

I've already started to paint a unit of cuirrasiers which will exist out of 12 men including the command figures. I've also decided that I will probably base the entire army on bases of warbases.co.uk as I quit like the look of slightly thicker bases and they are very well priced!



Ray Rousell said...

Nice looking figures! Good choice with Warbases, a quality product,

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Thanks, yes I'm eager to order some bases with them. But first I will paint up some more battalions!