Sunday, June 26, 2011

Reorganising the wargame attic!

Hi, I've recently reorganised and tidied up my wargame room as it was necessary! As my mate comes tomorrow with his combined Lord of The Rings Woodelves and High Elves army in an attempt to beat my recently painted Mordor army (pictures will follow). I decided to switch my 1,50 x 1,50 meter table into a table of 1,10 x 1,30 meter and a table of 1,50 x 0,75 cm. The smallest table will be used for skirmish games such as Lord of The Rings, the larger one as probably for my ongoing VSF project as I set it up as a Mbuij Mayi jungle board. The room would probably be able to accomodate an extra 1,50 x 0,75 cm table by replacing the movable paintingdesk!

The set up of my reorganised wargame table, I've also added a painting station/ rules and dice table as my desk is too cluthered with terrainpieces. On the desk you can see 12 orcs of my Mordor Army.

The 1,50 x 0,75 meter table, ready for a Lord of The Rings skirmish game!

More pictures and hopefully a battlereport will follow soon, so keep tuned!



anthony said...

Why not just have a single larger table and then just use one-end of it for the smaller skirmish style games?

As someone who just got a dedicated space to game, I am interested as to why you decided to go for two smaller tables?

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Well, I've thought about that, I just prefer a smaller table as it is possible to access the entire table from a chair so you don't need to stand up the whole game.

I also love seperate tables as it enables you to set up multiple games, so you can just let one game unfinished for another gaming session. It find it also more appealing to have 2 different settings on two tables than on one.

Just my 2cents,


Beccas said...

I like your set up. There is something civilised about sitting down to a wargame at a smaller table.

Anonymous said...

hi just registered ,, tinas

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Thanks Tinas, make sure you become a follower! And especially enjoy the blog's content!