Thursday, February 10, 2011

Under the cover of darkness

Hi, I've recently been playing with my camera in an attempt to produce some good photo's. The following photo consists out of 4 militiamen which are sneaking through a cornfield at night in search for food or the enemy!

All the miniatures are made by Artizan Design and painted with GW paints. The miniature pack is named "Goumier command" but I decided I could use them as some militiamen supplied by the British, American and French. I really like the commanding officer which I painted like a French gendarme or policemen.



The Angry Lurker said...

Really nice picture, very well done.

Ray Rousell said...

Nice photo, how did you get the dark effect without losing the focus and context of the picture?

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Thanks, for how I took the picture.

1) I put a lamp behind the miniatures.
2)Put my camera in macro mode
3)Put my camera out of flash mode.
4)Taking a heck lot of pictures
5)Hoping one looks good enought!

I'm not familiar with taking lots of photographs so this test was really hoping for the best.
