Sunday, November 22, 2009

American paratroopers Battalion (15-20mm)

Here are some pictures of the finished rapid fire American paratroopers battalion. Just finished them today!

How do I base my figures?

1) Cut your bases out of 3mm hardboard(to the size you want).
2) Attach the painted miniatures to the bases with PVA.
3) Smear the filler on the base so you cover the entire base(watch out for the mini's).
4) Let dry and add some texture with PVA and sand.
5) Paint the base in a browntone and drybrush with a lighter browntone(or even a kind of beige).
6) Let dry and finish the bases with some flock!

The battalion in all it's glory.

Another shot to show the bases.

A sideview of the unit.



q.b. said...

very tasty PIR ! :D

regards !

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

PIR? (don't have a clue what it means?) :p