Sunday, September 6, 2009

WWII bunker (15mm)

Finally, I'm posting again! However this is one of my first pieces of scratchbuilding, I was and I am still really pleased with the endresult. This WWII bunker on scale 1/72 or 15mm was built to reinforce the german defenses in one of my first wargame adventures. This bunker was the main strongpoint of a small defence network which included several defenses like trenches, small firingpits, artillerypositions, etc...

By the way sorry for the blurry photographs... :S
The bunker's basic shape was made of wood, I think it was hardboard. The firinggaps were made by glueing 2 woodpieces to the basic shape. The earthwork around the bunkers was made of large chunks of polystryn which were sanded later on to get the round shapes. On top of the bunker I also placed some earthwork and a small ventilationshaft which is an excellent objective in a game!
After the rough work, I added some texture to the earth and bunker. The texture existed of PVA and sand, this mixture I almost use everywhere! On bunkers, ground, buildings, rocks, ... As finishing touch I added some flock and liches.
However this bunker hasn't served the german player much!! I still love the piece because I was playing with the American airborne units and was able to throw a grenade through the ventilation shaft and if that wasn't enough I also swept the bunker with a flamethrower :p

"Let them burn" quote from saving private ryan

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